How to block a user (and unblock!)

Blocking someone

Have you gotten fed up with someone? Is someone saying things that you don't like? Are you just feeling in a particular blocky mood? 

Well, thankfully, we have the ability to block someone! 

When you block someone, they will not be able to find you, send you messages, comment on any of your content. Also, any of their comments will be hidden from you as well. It's a great way to put some distance between you and someone who is giving you some grief. 

There are a couple ways to do this.

From their profile

If you head to someone's profile, you will see a bit red button under where you would send a message to someone that says "Block User": 

You guess it, when you hit that you have started the process of blocking someone! Hit it by mistake? You will have a chance to turn back if you want:

If you hit Block, the user will be blocked, and you cannot unblock them for 7 days.

From messages

For ease, you are able to also block someone from within the new messaging platform! It's simple, you simply view their profile on the right hand side of the message box, and hit "Block user":

That's it! 

Unblocking someone

Head over to your profile, and then from the left menu (Under the Diaper-BOIS logo) you'll have a place to manage your blocks. If no one shows up on the list, you've not blocked anyone! If the Remove block function is not available to you, it could be that you blocked them less than 7 days ago:

You'll want to hit Remove block in order to unblock that user! That's it, that'll do it.

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