Content flagged as adult
How does it work?
We use a tool right now that scans images, and each frame of videos, and it uses machine learning to determine if they contain adult content. The content is not shared with any third parties, and it is not stored anywhere outside of our infrastructure. The content goes through this tool, and it returns a set of tags, and confidence levels of accuracy.
Any content that gets flagged as adult, will be moved to your private album, automatically.
I can't change a photo from private!
Right now, you don't have a way to move content from your private album if it has been classified as adult.
Incorrectly flagged content
Like most things in life, this isn't perfect, and we understand that! If you have any issues with content that has been mis-classified, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support and we will manually review the content! You can use the chat or email options under the "Ask" tab above.
Please be sure to include a link to the content you believe has been incorrectly flagged.
Control who has access
You have the ability to share your private albums with whomever you choose! You can manage who has access to your content by first heading over to your profile, and going to Private Access in the menu to the left. If you are on smaller screen or a mobile device, you'll want to pull out the menu by hitting the Diaper-BOIS logo in the top left!
Once you get there, you should see a list of the users who have access to your album. If you would like to remove that access, you can hit the Revoke button beside their name!
Sharing your private album
To share this album with someone, you will just need to navigate to their profile, and hit "Grant private access" under the actions menu:
If you do not have this option, it's probably because you don't have any photos that are marked as private!
If you have any questions about this or anything else, don't hesitate to contact us either through the chat or the email option under "Ask".